Hey HN! Haiku is a UI-building tool for both designers and developers. You can import vector and bitmap assets, animate them with a visual timeline, make elements respond to events, script behavior (if you like to code), then publish as production-ready UI components. Haiku components are versioned and can be pulled into codebases via Git or npm. We are a remote, international team of six. We've all spent years in various design/development roles, and we've all run into the same problem: When building software, teams waste too much effort creating designs in design tools, then reimplementing those designs in code. Here's how we're working to solve that: 1. Create a common tongue for design tools and codebases to communicate. We're starting with a simple JavaScript file format that can capture both how designs look and how components behave, where animation is a first-class citizen. We call this format Haiku Core and we've open sourced it under the MIT license,...