I've decided to bite the bullet and release Bitbox.co and get some feedback. I've been coding for years and one of the things I constantly see companies do is write and rewrite a document storage system, so I decided to write one for them. Bitbox.co uses cloud storage (currently Azure) to store documents but can be coded to use any cloud service. Documents can be public or private and URLs to that document can be used directly in HTML. There are currently a list of WebAPIs for developers to use as a tool, or build an entire system around. This is an MVP and it's simple. Upload a file, get a token; like a valet or coat check. When you want that file back, send the token and you get a byte stream. There is also a built in file converter, so you can can upload a docx file and retrieve it as a pdf by appending .pdf to the URL, for example: https://ift.tt/2ruF08t, or perhaps a tiff: https://ift.tt/2HXQJHH. Files can be marked as public or private, and account owners can invite o...