_or as a person in a CTO-like role_ Ah, the technical debt. While the concept is sweet from the business perspective, the result of leveraging technical debt, most often, is a big mess. The technical debt is accruing every week, after each iteration, sprint, what have you. Your developers are whining about it, and they want to do a significant rewrite or solve it with microservices altogether. And you know this rewrite, like others in the past, will be a significant sink of time, and likely a catastrophe. This is how I see it from my humble developer/team lead perspective. I’m really curious to know how people in CTO roles perceive it. I agree that this is a useful quality lever that can get the whole company out of a bind, or could let business leverage a market opportunity before the competitors do. What I’ve found is that people in various project-manager-like roles tend to overuse this lever. I believe this lever should be used only when there is a significant gain for the bu...