Hi HN! I'm Saurabh, founder of Synthetic Minds ( http://synthetic-minds.com ) in the current YC batch. We protect smart contracts by using formal methods to synthesize their adversaries. Current use of web-app-like development practices for smart contracts is not working. People have lost over 4.1M ETH due to code bugs in these contracts, aka decentralized applications (Dapps). That equals $1.8B at current exchange rates, or $500M at the time of loss. The execution environment is "deploy once, change never", which resembles hardware and space applications. NASA/Airbus use formal methods to check this kind of software. Dapps need similar tools. I have worked on formal methods since 2006. In my PhD on program synthesis, I reduced checking code properties to theorems that could be proven mechanically. Incidentally, a full program was not required. The program could have "holes" and the prover would “fill” the holes by synthesizing code. I took those ideas to synth...