Hi, this is Andrew (arhpreston) and Ben (benjyk) from Cassyni ( https://cassyni.com ). We both completed PhDs in physics before going on to found Publons and Kopernio, companies that were acquired by -- and became a part of -- Web of Science, a product researchers on HN may be familiar with. It is well known how important academic seminars are for networking, promoting your research, and keeping up with latest developments. But the scale is under-appreciated: by our estimates more than 1 million academic seminars were happening every year. And then Covid came along... As a result many seminar series are now online and recorded using solutions that cobble together tools like Zoom, Google Sites and Sheets. This all more or less works but is painful and time consuming to operate. Our co-founders, researchers at Imperial College London and Texas A&M, experienced this firsthand. With their input we set out to build a tool to take the pain out of organising a seminar series. The idea ...