
Showing posts from November 16, 2022

Laying myself off from Amazon

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Ask HN: How relevant is cross-browser testing anymore?

Given that most of the new companies adopt modern frameworks like React, Angular, Vue which are quite stable across browsers unlike jQuery, Backbone days when the same code worked in Chrome but not Firefox for various reasons. Just wanted to pick your brains on what do you think how relevant is cross-browser testing. Do we really need to test our code on 50ish Chrome versions, 25is Firefox versions and so on. Comments URL: Points: 17 # Comments: 22 from Hacker News: Front Page via

Lufthansa Conducts Preflight Checks Digitally with IoT

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Ask HN: How I get a job that uses C?

My wife is pregnant and I need a job urgently... and like when I needed a job urgently in the past to pay student loans, I feel inclined to accept whatever offer I get. But what I really wanted was work with C. But even searching for that is hard (often a company writes C/C++ and they mean only C++ and not C at all). I tried in the past seeing if embedded would work but even entry positions require experience. So no idea where to look for such jobs. The vacancies list I found right now is just a long list of full stack, frontend, backend, sometimes java, the occasional SQL, nosql, and sometimes python or ruby. Not a single C job. Where the C users are hiding? Is living programming in C even possible or it became a purely hobby language for people doing angular.js on their day jobs? Comments URL: Points: 52 # Comments: 76 from Hacker News: Front Page via

Ask HN: How I get a job that uses C?

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