
Showing posts from May 24, 2023

Michel de Montaigne

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Show HN: Procoto – Self-Service RFP Management

Hi HN, Michael from Procoto [ ] here. We’re making running RFPs (requests for proposal from outside vendors), tracking contracts, and managing vendors simple and affordable. We get procurement teams out of dense systems and spreadsheets without having to drop a hefty check on SAP or Coupa. How are we doing it? Check out our demo: We’re giving procurement teams of any size an easier way to invite vendors, consolidate submissions, and analyze the offers. When a winner is selected, contract terms are digitized and stored in Procoto too. All vendor info, both for winners and non, exist in the vendor library for future bidding events and negotiating. Our early customers are using Procoto to get better rates on everything from raw materials and ingredients to cleaning services and contractors. Why us? We built procurement organizations at a couple startups and have used 30+ of our competitors’ software. We li

Tina Turner has died

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I didn’t learn Unix by reading all the manpages (2022)

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I didn’t learn Unix by reading all the manpages (2022)

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