
Showing posts from April 14, 2022

Fennel: A Practical Lisp

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Can You Insert Hardware Trojan Spyware IP into an IC at the Fab? Yes

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Ask HN: How can I best assist my wife with a career transition?

Some background first: I've been a software engineer for ~7 years now. I have a decently paying job, but we're definitely in the first base stretch of home ownership and have 2 children (~1 and ~4 years old). My wife has a strong academic background in pedagogy and LOVES teaching high school, but with the pandemic teaching has really affected her relationship with our girls due to the sheer amount of work being dumped on her. Teacher and admin attrition at her school was suffering terribly and it was leading to her being forced to pick either continuing to work as a teacher and sacrifice all of her time with our kids or figure something else out. I was in awe of my wife's capacity for work and the number of plates she can keep spinning while still getting the highest teacher evaluation scores at her school... Only to be met with blanks stares when asked for assistance or any sort of compensation or promotion for the amount of work she was picking up. So she left. After s

ProPublica Continues to Report (Badly) on Illegally Leaked Taxpayer Data

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 8 # Comments: 0 from Hacker News: Front Page via

Browser in the Dark: flashlights with CSS and canvas

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Ethereum Has Issues

Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 32 # Comments: 11 from Hacker News: Front Page via

Show HN: GPT-3 powered Ouija spirit board that moves your mouse

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