HackerRank is hiring a leader to build a system for creating CS challenges
One of the important parts of the matching algorithm is designing the right CS challenge that is both high quality & relevant to the job role that's being assessed. The CS challenges (referred as content going forward) is a core part of HackerRank. It helps us assess skills of a developer in different areas. We are looking to hire a leader who will manage & lead all content engineering efforts on HackerRank. What does this include?
Content strategy: This involves building the overall strategy of what types of CS challenges should be built? taxonomy, type of challenges, the timeline to ship & owning the entire process end-to-end. Some of the strategies might change due to external market demands.
Building a system of crowdsourced generation of challenges: Moving from the Encarta model (generating a small number of challenges from a small set of experts) to Wikipedia model (generating a large number of challenges from the 3m+ developer community). Building this will come with its own challenges of ensuring we can retain quality and the right incentives at scale. This would involve building the right framework to manage the hundreds/thousands of challenge contributors and also managing a small team of curators
*Quality control: There’s a difference between Quora answers vs Y! answers. Ensuring we have the right quality framework (for e.g. grammatically correct, crisp problem statements, relevant to the job role, code stubs present to make it easy for developers to get started, etc.) and continuously improving for all challenges is important. HackerRank challenges should be synonymous with HQ CS challenges.
We are looking for a leader who's passionate about solving the problem of matching developers to the right job and has a developer mindset ready to build this.
While we would want this person to be ideally in Palo Alto or Bangalore, for the right person, a remote position is OK too. This is a hybrid EM/PM role. If you're interested, please send a note to me on your skills & how you would help us build this system: vivek@
from Hacker News: Front Page https://ift.tt/2GOpEVO
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