Launch HN: SharpestMinds (YC W18) – Online Community for AI Devs

Hi HN! We're Ed and Jeremie, the founders of SharpestMinds in YC's W18 batch. We're building a free online community for ML/AI developers through which they can access job opportunities. (You can apply to join it at

We're ML developers from non traditional backgrounds. Ed did a PhD in biological physics, and Jeremie studied quantum optics before dropping out of grad school to work on SharpestMinds. We started looking for ML jobs after school, thinking it shouldn't be too hard to get one. We found to our naive surprise that we fell short on a number of skills that are needed to do good work in industry. You just don't learn much devops in grad school.

As a result we decided to build something that would make it easier for ML devs to develop (and discover!) skills they might be missing, and then get their first jobs or internships. From the outset we also wanted to build a community around the process, since looking for your first job is usually a pretty lonely experience. Because we monetize directly through hiring, we can afford to create a space for discussion without ads or algorithmic distractions :)

Our typical users so far have been grad students who know ML material well, but don't yet have much, or any, practical experience. However, you don't need a degree at all (a few of our users are self-taught high school dropouts), and anyone who knows the material is welcome. In fact, that's one of the advantages of our system: we test directly for knowledge, so it doesn't matter how you got that knowledge or how long it took you to get it. One of our goals is that by the time we present you as a candidate, things that would otherwise be holes in your resumé don't matter so much, and we can make that case to companies that are hiring.

To qualify for joining, you do an online deep learning quiz (here:, followed by a technical interview. If you pass both, we invite you aboard. It's possible to retake the quiz a month later if you don't pass it, and we'll send you tips on what to study in the meantime.

Once you join you get access to a job board with exclusive (i.e., not scraped) internship and full-time opportunities on it. We've created an application system where your profile gets customized to the job you're applying for, to maximize the odds that you'll get an interview. We also have lists of common interview questions, mentors that you can practice interviewing with, and periodic AMAs with ML hiring managers from companies like Skydio and Airbnb.

The hardest part about building this has been figuring out the best way to present our users to employers. Early on we found that hiring managers were passing on qualified people, because their eyes would glaze over from reading too many CVs. We ended up building application profiles that let our users display their most relevant personal projects prominently in their application. The interview rate has increased significantly as a result.

If our approach works for the ML/AI field, we'd like to build communities like this for other fields too.

We're looking forward to getting feedback and hearing ideas from HN! We know there are lots of ML devs / enthusiasts on here, and we'd also be very interested in hearing about your own experiences making the transition, or similar programs you might know about. We'd also be interested in hearing about what, in your experience, are the most important programming skills needed by someone with a good knowledge base but little practical experience to be a strong contributor at their first job or internship.

from Hacker News: Front Page


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