Ask HN: What should we consider when moving to a service mesh architecture?

I work for a company that's been looking at moving to a service mesh style architecture. They run a few dozen micro-services which are currently Dockerized and deployed on an ECS cluster.

We are considering moving to Kubernetes, as ECS has a lot of limitations in the deployment/resiliency area that come more or less standard with Kube. As part of this move we are looking at using a service mesh to enable easier cross region routing on AWS and more dynamic load on various clusters.

We were looking into Linkerd as a possible solution, but just noticed that Consul latest release has a service mesh feature now. So for those who've run a service mesh before, what sort of things should I be considering as we evaluate our options? Pros/Cons of specific tools, or service mesh in general are welcome.

from Hacker News: Front Page


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