Ask HN: How to shadow a CEO

I have the opportunity to shadow a CEO/Founder of a $25 million dollar company. The company is in the fresh produce sector - not an industry that I ever really considered, but the founder has been able to build it up from nothing to one of Inc’s fastest growing companies in just 6 years. I have free reign to attend meetings/calls in all departments, and I have committed to 4 hours, 3 days a week. The CEO is a friend so there’s an established relationship. My longterm goal is to own my company and I want to learn how a successful business is run and the leadership skills required.

I’ve never done this before, so my questions are how do I get the most out of this great opportunity? How can I add value to him? How long should I continue this internship? Any other best practices/recommendations?

Thank you so much in advance!

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