I wrote a free book about TDD and clean architecture in Python

Hey HN,

I just published on Leanpub a free book, "Clean Architectures in Python". It's a humble attempt to organise and expand some posts I published on my blog in the last years.

You can find it here: http://bit.ly/2Vfo97q

The main content is divided in two parts, this is a brief overview of the table of contents

* Part 1 - Tools - Chapter 1 - Introduction to TDD - Chapter 2 - On unit testing - Chapter 3 - Mocks

* Part 2 - The clean architecture - Chapter 1 - Components of a clean architecture - Chapter 2 - A basic example - Chapter 3 - Error management - Chapter 4 - Database repositories

Some highlights:

- The book is written with beginners in mind

- It contains 3 full projects, two small ones to introduce TDD and mocks, a bigger one to describe the clean architecture approach

- Each project is explained step-by-step, and each step is linked to a tag in a companion repository on GitHub

The book is free, but if you want to contribute I will definitely appreciate the help. My target is to encourage the discussion about software architectures, both in the Python community and outside it.

I hope you will enjoy the book! Please spread the news on your favourite social network

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18775349

Points: 5

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from Hacker News: Front Page http://bit.ly/2StW8aM


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