Ask HN: What metaprogrammable language do you/would like to use?

Like many folks here, I probably spend too much time reading about, trying and contemplate using many new languages. The (overlapping) paradigms that interest me are metaprogramming, functional, and (newer) statically-typed. I decided to focus only on metaprogrammable ones from now on (as a time saver and to step up).

I made a list and ordered them by how much I would be interested in using them (which combines my curiosity with current/expected adoption).

My short-list for metaprogrammable ones are:

  Rust (would be higher if I did more low-level work)

I left most other functional ones off my list because that's an exploration in itself for another time. I was surprised that I put Clojure and Elixir first given my preference for static types. Of all the kitchen-sink features that Nim has, I can't accept camelCased == under_scored names otherwise it could have been first. Ruby is notably absent as I use it and am looking for something better/different.

For future adoption, I think interoperability is a key factor, whether it's with C or in a VM runtime (e.g. JVM, CLR, BEAM, v8).

Which metaprogrammable language do you use or are most interested in using? How compact are your programs (i.e. how extensive do you metaprogram)?

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