Ask HN: I Got Deported from USA to Kenya

I was sent to Somalia when deported but came to Kenya thankful with a little bit of money from my mom to help me move out of Somalia. I'm homeless in Kenya.

I would like to get into UK I have aunt that lives there

anything I can do? I'm struggling I've lived in Seattle for 20 years now I'm living here I barely can find water to drink it's a different life that's for sure but I'm managing to survive. I made some mistakes in America that got me deported to this hell-hole.

Any advice will help in how I can get into Europe or Canada.Please no negativity I've paid dearly for my mistakes.

I got deported during trump administrations. I caught a Robbery . I updated it. from 2008. But I wasn't deported at the time of the charge I've had other misdemeanors like selling drugs and DUI recently which got me deported

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