Ask HN: My company wants my side project. What can I do?

Hello everyone,

I created product on the side as a side project in my own time and it has become a huge hit in the community to a point where my employers wants me to transfer the code-base over. The company does OSS and my side-project is also Open-Source.

I've developed it on my own time but the product directly relates to what my employer does so I've sort of cornered myself in a bad place. In hindsight, I also made some mistakes in how I went about evangelizing it.

Ideally, I want to keep the ownership with myself but I doubt that is going to work out.

I think what I want is: - to be compensated in some form for all the time I've put in over the last two years - to have control over the product roadmap (this I'm fairly confident won't happen in the way I want in the long run)

What are my options here? What should I ask for here? I don't have much clue as to what can I ask for here so any suggestions would be helpful. People at my company generally wants to work things out to keep everyone happy to some degree.

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