Ask HN: Tell me about how you bombed a technical interview

Context: I was just listening to the latest Soft Skills Engineering[1] (a podcast I highly recommend, by the way!) and they were consoling a junior eng who bombed an interview by saying everyone has a story about doing this at some point. I thought it'd be nice to crowd-source these stories in case others are feeling bad about their interview experiences :)

I can start: My first tech interview ever was the summer going into my Junior year of college. I was still very raw and had no idea what to expect, and got asked a pretty standard string manipulation question. I fumbled around for a while before frantically trying to Google the question in a manner that I now realize was likely very obvious. Needless to say, I didn't get the job. I did learn from the experience, though, and studied my butt off for the next summer, which paid off in much harder interviews :)

Looking forward to hearing yours, thanks!


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